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MADAME BUTTERFLY                                          October 19, 2024

Bay Street Theatre

Sag Harbor

Directed by Anton Armendariz Diaz

Musically Directed by Sergio Martinez Zangroniz

An adaptation of one of Puccini's greatest masterpieces in honor of the 100th anniversary of his death
Featuring Errin Brooks as Pinkerton, Metropolitan Opera bass Richard Bernstein as the Bonze, Michael Nansel as Sharpless,  Anna Tonna as Suzuki, John Easterlin as Goro, Ashley Galvani Bell as Cio Cio San, members of New Asia Chamber Orchestra, Suffolk Symphonic Choir and MORE!

To read a review of the production click, HERE

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JOAN OF ARC                                                        October 14, 2023

Bay Street Theatre

Sag Harbor

Directed by Anton Armendariz Diaz and Andrew Bell

Musically Directed by Sergio Martinez Zangroniz


This multidisciplinary production explored the iconic figure of Joan of Arc by blending music and text about her from Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Rossini, Shaw, and original material. It featured a world class cast including actors La Rivers as Joan of Arc, Michael Rudko as Bishop Cauchon, Ron Menzel as Dauphin Charles and singers Michael Nansel & Victor Starsky

For more information about this event, click HERE. 


To read a review of the production click, HERE


DISCOVERING MRS. ROSSINI              2023 (various film festival dates)          



Directed by Anton Armendariz Diaz

Musically Directed by Lucy Yates

The docudrama Discovering Mrs. Rossini, winner of 3 awards in 2023 international film festivals and featured in more than 7, tells the story of the wife and muse of composer Gioachino Rossini of Barber of Seville fame, Spanish born 19th century diva Isabella Colbran.  This was inspired by musicologist Prof. Sergio Ragni's work “Isabella Colbran, Isabella Rossni” with whom we also collaborated on a live production.


BEST ORIGINAL CONCEPT - Hispanic International Film Festival - 2023.png
Best Int. Documentary Short - Austin International Art Festival - 2023.png

KLARA by Pedro Halffter       


UNITED STATES PREMIERE                               October 12, 2022

Harvard University, Paine Hall


Divaria was excited to present the American premiere of internationally renowned composer Pedro Halffter's new opera KLARA. This performance was in collaboration with The Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma ( HPRT ) and Masscahusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School and all proceeds supported their work with refugee women and children. For more information about this event, click HERE.


THE SHAKESPEARE RIOTS                                       October 8, 2022

Bay Street Theatre

Sag Harbor

Directed by Anton Armendariz Diaz

Musically Directed Sergio Martinez Zangroniz

Written by Greg Moomjy and Ashley Bell


This interdisciplinary production tells of a time when passions over exclusivity boiled over on the streets of 1849 New York in the Astor Place Riot. This riot, the deadliest since the American Revolution, took place outside the Astor Place Opera House, a theatre created by New York’s upper crust known as the Upper Ten or Astor-ocracy, who envisioned their opera house as a way to demonstrate their social position and influence rather than as community that could come together across class boundaries purely for the love of music and theatre. This event led to Shakespeare and opera moving away from the dense population center to rarefied circles that were less accessible to all.    

Featuring Michael Rudko, Michael Nansel, La Rivers and MORE!

Documentary Series: Discovering 19th Century Female Voices

Logroño, SPAIN                 
Malibran: A Spanish Diva in New York                             
June 14 2022
Colbran: Discovering Mrs. Rossini                                    June 15 2022
Viardot: The Heart in the Music                                       June 16 2022

US PREMIERE with BAY STREET THEATRE                      March 16-30 2022

RIVAL QUEENS:           

The Story of Mary Queen of Scots & Queen Elizabeth

With the Mary Queen of Scots Society


UK PREMIERE                                            December 8 , 2021


In contrast to the opera Maria Stuarda, Rival Queens adds the dimension of the relationship of these two women throughout their entire life and not just the months immediately preceding Mary’s execution. This biopic opera represents a new form of art that melds documentary film with the music of opera, which serves as the driving force of the story. The story draws on primary sources of the letters between these women—who never actually met in person—and historical research, culminating in original narration that connects the opera and the letters.

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THE HUMAN VOICE                               October 2, 2021

Bay Street Theatre

Sag Harbor

Directed by Anton Armendariz Diaz

Musically Directed by Zalman Kelber


Rioja Forum,                                                October 16, 2021

Logroño, Spain

Directed by Anton Armendariz Diaz

Musically Directed by Sergio Martinez Zangroniz

RQ FOR WEB 2020 for instagram or twitter

RIVAL QUEENS:           

The Story of Mary Queen of Scots & Queen Elizabeth

Bay Street Theatre                                                 November 12, 2020

Rites of Spring Festival                                  November 14, 2020

European Premiere                                        November 22, 2020

Teatro Gonzalo de Berceo &

Scenikus Platform


THE HUMAN VOICE                                June 25-27, 2019

New York Opera Fest

Baza Studios 

Directed by Anton Armendariz Diaz

Musically Directed by Nicolo Sbuelz

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OTHELLO: THE OPERA AND             September 14, 2019


Bay Street Theatre

Sag Harbor NY

*Featuring Singers Limmie Pulliam, Kidon Choi, Actors Leland Gantt, Michal Gizinski, Rivka Borek, Liana Afuni, Dancer Yuka Otsuka & More! 


THE HUMAN VOICE                                November 5, 2018

Rioja Forum, SPAIN


DON GIOVANNI IN NEW YORK             September 22, 2018

Bay Street Theatre

Sag Harbor NY

*sold out performance

DON GIOVANNI IN NEW YORK               May 23, 2018

Basilica of St. Patrick's Cathedral 


COSI FAN TUTTE                                     April 22, 2017 

Bay Street Theatre, Sag Harbor, NY 

OLD BROADWAY                                    July 29-30 2017 

San Francisco: Santo Domingo de la Calzada, SPAIN 

Sala Gonzalo de Berceo: Logroño, SPAIN 

DON PASQUALE                                     April 15-16, 2016

Bay Street Theatre 

Arclight Theatre, NYC  

Divaria at the San Gennaro Festival             September 2017

                                                                         September 2016  

San Gennaro Festival, Little Italy  

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LA TRAVIATA                                           May 2015 

Bay Street Theatre 

DISCOVERING MRS. ROSSINI:                   April 2015 

Sheen Center, NYC 

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DON PASQUALE                                    March 2015 

Rioja Forum, SPAIN

Featuring Eliam Ramos as Don Pasquale, Juan Noval de Moro as Ernesto, Giorgio Celenza as Malatesta

Conducted by Christian Maggio

LA DOLOROSA                                      March 2014

In Honor of International Women's Day

St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, NY 

Divaria in Make Music New York             June 2014  

Divaria participates in city wide festival 

Divaria Christmas Concert                       December 2014  

Outreach concert with Bronx PROS Mental Health Center

2012- 2013 

LORENZO DA PONTE: A 175TH ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE                                      November 2013

St. Patricks Old Cathedral, NYC

Offenbach's "THE BABYSITTER"              August 2013 

American Premiere  

as part of Salome Chamber Orchestra's Festival in the Hamptons

Nova's Ark Center, Bridgehampton, NY

LA SERVA PADRONA                               August 2012

Vaudeville adaptation 

as part of Salome Chamber Orchestra's Festival in the Hamptons

South Fork Natural History Museum

LA SERVA PADRONA                               March 2012

Vaudeville Adaptation                                                        

On Tour in Arizona (Sedona and Flagstaff)  


CLASSICAL FAVORITES                             October 2012 

St. Patrick's Old Cathedral 

Featuring tenor David Guzman & baritone Pedro Quiralte

Divaria at the San Gennaro Festival           September 2013

San Gennaro Festival, Little Italy  

Christmas Concert                                      December 2012 

Outreach concert at Hope Lodge of American Cancer Society 


ELISIR D'AMORE                                  October  2011

Original golf-themed production

Tuxedo Park Club, Tuxedo, NY 

SERVA PADRONA                                 November 19, 2011

Vaudeville Adaptation

 Triad Theatre, NYC                                                               

SERVA PADRONA                                 August 15, 2011

Vaudeville Adaptation

Arclight Theatre,  NYC                                                                

Benefit for Blessed Sacrament Transitional Residence for HIV/AIDS

ELISIR D'AMORE                                  March 18-20 2011 

Arclight Theatre

SERVA PADRONA                                 August & November 2011

Vaudeville Adaptation

Outreach performances                                                                 

Carnegie East Senior Residence & 80th Street Residence

Valentine's Day Concert                           February 2011 

Outreach concert at 80th Street Residence for Memory Care  


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